As one of the largest coal mining contractors in Indonesia, PPA has broad competence and deep understanding in the development and operation of coal mines which include:

Among coal mining contractors operating in Indonesia, PPA is one of the fastest growing companies with higher expansion rates in terms of employees, heavy equipment units, and stripping. The PPA provides more than excellent capabilities across all operating sectors, at the same time ensuring its linkages with local government and local communities to maintain efficient operations. This, in turn, allows the respective PPA clients not to be bothered by coal mining production targets and can focus on sales instead.

Currently PPA handles the coal mining operations of 6 large companies across the country. Standard PPA contracts are valid for a period of 5 years, while certain companies on their own terms may provide longer awards for longer contract durations. PPA cooperates with SKS on a 12-year contract in which PPA is responsible for stripping the soil, extracting coal, transporting coal from the mine to the coal-fired power plant which is only 5 kilometers away to fulfill SKS' obligations with PLN.

In 2021 PPA has obtained a contract from a nickel ore mining company, namely PT MLP. In the future, PPA will continue to expand towards a more diversified and sustainable business other than coal.

PPA's long term partnership with a major International heavy equipment unit manufacturer sets a milestone in its history in this business over the years. Furthermore, other major companies have signed further partnership agreements with PPA to maintain the quality of PPA's work, increasing its level of trust in the industry.

PPA's outstanding performance cannot be separated from the company's seriousness in dealing with safety. While PPA continues to exercise its expertise in meeting its clients' production targets, PPA pays the utmost attention to the quality of its workforce, which automatically affects their attitude towards safety. This is evidenced by the awarding of three award certificates from the Minister of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia, with gold certification for three different mines consistently between 2016 and 2019. PPA continues to improve the quality of our own emergency response team (ERT), which in turn was able to win the overall championship in Borneo Fire Rescue Challenge 2020, dan akhirnya menjadi juara umum pada Indonesia Fire and Rescue Competition (IFRC) ke-7 pada tahun 2021. Hal ini hanya beberapa highlight dari kelanjutan komitmen PPA terhadap sistem manajemen keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja.


PT Antareja Mahada Makmur ( AMM ) didirikan pada tanggal 11 Desember 2017. AMM menyediakan layanan kontraktor di bidang pertambangan batu bara yang secara konsisten dalam memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan di Indonesia dengan pertumbuhan yang cepat.

AMM merupakan anak perusahaan PPA yang juga merupakan perusahaan kontraktor batubara posisi ke-3 terbesar di Indonesia yang sudah berpengalaman di dalam melaksanakan kegiatan penambangan di berbagai perusahaan tambang batu bara baik pemegang IUP maupun PKP2B.

AMM selalu memberikan nilai tambah pelayanan dan mengutamakan kepuasan pelanggan dengan pengoperasian yang baik di bidang pertambangan terbuka.

Jenis kegiatan kami :








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